Meet the Trainer
What you can expect
We will work with you to create a plan and custom package to fit you and your dog's needs. Whether it's puppy training, or coming back to work on some behaviors that need improvement, we are with you and ready to help!
We want you to feel confident and equipped, and will give you the tools you need to be successful.
Meet Dee
Dee is our primary trainer here at The Proper Pup. She is a lifelong animal lover, and has always had a special touch when it comes to dogs. Before The Proper Pup was even a thought, Dee trained Tess (her favorite sidekick) as her therapy dog, and they have been working together for years.
Dee has had the benefit of working with one of Memphis's most exclusive dog trainers, and has sat under his mentorship to refine her skills as a trainer.
With many years of experience in training, and a passion for these precious pups, you will fall in love with Dee's straightforward approach to helping you be equipped to be your dog's primary trainer.